The Gulf Coast

The Gulf shore national park is steeped in history, the forts in the park span almost 150 years, from the Spanish colonial Bateria De San Antonio (1797) to the World War Two-era battery 234. But if I'm completely honest, we didn't soak in much of the history of the place. We mostly spent our time admiring the sun, the sand and our books. Travelling uses a lot of our energy and concentration, we are constantly looking, reading information boards and taking in the sights of a place. During this weekend we enjoyed relaxing, having the tent set up for more than one night, reading our books, writing and not having to be anywhere for two days. We are so blessed and lucky to be able to travel freely, but sometimes we just need somewhere to lay our heads for a couple of nights, to sleep, eat and think back on all the wonderful experiences we have shared so far. Like the weekend itself, this post is short and sweet. But before I leave, I'll tell you about one useful thing I did during this weekend which required huge amounts of physical effort. I crazy danced to Eric Clapton's 'Lay down Sally', on the beach in my pyjamas, much to Doug's delight and amusement. This is all the motivation one needs for an impending visit to the Pensacola DMV the next morning. 

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